
“The long term consulting by Neill Hogarth was extremely helpful both for myself and for my business. He helped me to factually understand the problems with the existing partnership and stripped away the irrelevant but deeply emotional personal feelings. This allowed a well organised end to the partnership and a successful new start to the business with myself as sole proprietor. Neill coached me to organise processes so that tasks were dealt with immediately and to automate all possible recurring tasks. The business is now streamlined, profitable and effective. I won so much time that I have now started a second business which runs concurrently and just as effectively. Vielen Dank Neill!”

verified by Upwork on 14 August 2021

” The saving angel! That was exactly how I felt about Neill when he agreed to lead our company “allgäuDSL”. During the previous night I had lain awake, hoping for a miracle that would save the company, and the next morning my wish was fulfilled in the person of Neill Hogarth. Neill combines everything that makes a top manager. He is analytical, makes excellent plans and is then straightforward and reliable in the effective implementation of them. One of his greatest strengths in the effective use of available resources, especially of employees. He has a remarkable way of motivating people. He conveys to each individual a special appreciation of who they are, and this has a positive effect on their work performance. I have not met a better manager during my entire professional career.”

verified by Upwork on 28 July 2021